أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى الأستاذ/طـــارق عبد اللطيف للغة الإنجليزية

أطيب التمنيات و التهانى بمناسبة بدء الفصل الدراسى الثانى مع خالص دعواتى بالتوفيق و النجاح للجميع
إنتظروا مسابقات الألغاز و الفوازير بداية العام الدراسى فى انتظار مشاركاتكم و الجوائز قيمة
مذكرات ماستر للأستاذ طارق عبد اللطيف دليلك للنجاح فى المرحلة الثانوية و الإعدادية
ارق التهانى لمدرسة الاعدادية الحديثة للبنات بحصولها على اعتماد الجودة
ارق التهانى للأستاذ/ طارق عبد اللطيف لفوزه فى مسابقة المعلم المتميز تكنولوجياً
يا رب الخير لمصر و هنيئاً للشعب المصرى بالحرية

نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

مواضيع مماثلة
    المواضيع الأخيرة
    » الوحدة الثالثة بوربوينت
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالأحد ديسمبر 02, 2012 3:03 pm من طرف عمر ابو مريم

    » حافز يوليو لوزارة النقل
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 15, 2011 3:19 pm من طرف Admin

    » كفاية" تستخدم شاشات ضوئية لعرض مطالب الثورة
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:51 pm من طرف Admin

    » فى خطبته بمسجد النور.. الشيخ محمد حسان يحذر من المساس بالمادة الثانية فى الدستور.. ويطالب الجماعات الإسلامية بالتوحد.. وعودة الثقة بين الشعب والشرطة.. وحافظ سلامة يطالب بمحاكمة مبارك
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:47 pm من طرف Admin

    » الأوضاع فى ليبيا
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:44 pm من طرف Admin

    » إمتحان لشهر نوفمبر
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:43 pm من طرف Admin

    » نموذج اختبار للفصل الدراسى الأول
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:37 pm من طرف Admin

    » مراجعة القصة الترم الأول كــــــــــــــــــــاملاً
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:34 pm من طرف Admin

    » Writing skills
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:14 pm من طرف Admin


    نتائج البحث

    Rechercher بحث متقدم

    المواضيع الأخيرة
    » الوحدة الثالثة بوربوينت
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالأحد ديسمبر 02, 2012 3:03 pm من طرف عمر ابو مريم

    » حافز يوليو لوزارة النقل
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 15, 2011 3:19 pm من طرف Admin

    » كفاية" تستخدم شاشات ضوئية لعرض مطالب الثورة
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:51 pm من طرف Admin

    » فى خطبته بمسجد النور.. الشيخ محمد حسان يحذر من المساس بالمادة الثانية فى الدستور.. ويطالب الجماعات الإسلامية بالتوحد.. وعودة الثقة بين الشعب والشرطة.. وحافظ سلامة يطالب بمحاكمة مبارك
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:47 pm من طرف Admin

    » الأوضاع فى ليبيا
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:44 pm من طرف Admin

    » إمتحان لشهر نوفمبر
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:43 pm من طرف Admin

    » نموذج اختبار للفصل الدراسى الأول
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:37 pm من طرف Admin

    » مراجعة القصة الترم الأول كــــــــــــــــــــاملاً
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:34 pm من طرف Admin

    » Writing skills
    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:14 pm من طرف Admin

    التبادل الاعلاني
    ا.طارق عبد اللطيف - مدرس أول لغة إنجليزية - دراسات عليا فى طرق التدريس
    التبادل الاعلاني
    ا.طارق عبد اللطيف - مدرس أول لغة إنجليزية - دراسات عليا فى طرق التدريس

    أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels

    اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

    1Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels Empty Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels الجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 1:12 pm



    Unit 2: Gulliver's Travels
    Key Vocabulary

    commentary تعليق make fun of يسخر من
    diplomat دبلوماسى neighbouring مجاور
    explanation تفسير giant عملاق
    imaginative واسع الخيال / مبدع employ يوظف
    politician سياسى employee موظف
    politics السياسة employer صاحب العمل أو الشركة
    publish ينشر employment العمالة
    represent يمثل unemployment البطالة
    rediculous سخيف government الحكومة
    steal يسرق capture يأسر
    tie يربط punish يعاقب
    voyage رحلة بحرية punishment عقاب


    auther = writer مؤلف / كاتب discussion مناقشة
    churchman relations علاقات
    success نجاح contact يتصل بـ
    science fiction خيال علمى archaeologist عالم آثار
    web page سفخة على الانترنت retired على المعاش
    Irish ايرلندى storm عاصفة
    Ireland ايرلندا be shipwrecked تتحطم به السفينة
    Russian روسى enemy عدو
    French فرنسى frightened خائف
    plough يحرث escape يهرب / هروب
    funny مضحك / غريب / مرح favourite مفضل / محبب
    description وصف beat = defeat يهزم / يفوز على
    describe يصف sail يبحر
    govern يحكم foreigner (n) أجنبى
    power قوة / سلطة steal يسرق
    print يطبع theft سرقة
    contain يحتوى على sink / sank / sunk يغوص / يغرق
    realise يدرك hit يصطدم بـ / يضرب
    discuss يناقش iceberg جبل جليدى
    flat مستوية / مسطحة forgive يسامح / يصفح عن
    string خيط / دوبارة modest متواضع
    rope حبل proposal اقتراح
    within فى / فى خلال tale حكاية
    boiled مغلى tub حوض
    adventure مغامرة islanders أهل الجزيرة
    character شخصية probably من المحتمل
    argument جدل include يتضمن / يشمل
    scared مرعوب opposite عكس / مقابل
    unlike على النقيض من diary مفكرة يومية / يوميات
    cruel قاسى suffer يعانى
    vindictive حقود anger غضب

    Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

    hear of / about يسمع عن tie to يربط بـ
    hear from يتلقى أخبار من stop … from + v. +ing يمنع ...... من
    find answers to يجد اجابات على tell a story يحكى قصة
    belong to ينتمى الى fight against يقاتل ضد
    work in politics يعمل بالسياسة different from مختلف عن
    become a success يصبح ناجحا laugh at يسخر من
    commentary on تعليق على reward …. for يكافئ ..... على
    win a war ينتصر فى الحرب
    think of / about يفكر فى lose a war يخسر الحرب
    give a ring يتصل بـ attach …. with يربط باستخدام
    speak for يتحدث نيابة عن get upset about ينزعج / يتضايق بشأن
    concerned with مهتم بـ at the age of فى سن
    opinion on / about رأى فى argue about يجادل بشأن
    make available for يتيح لـ / يوفر لـ agree with يتفق مع
    find out about يعرف عن disagree about يختلف بشأن
    earn money يكتسب المال frightened of خائف من
    earn his living يكسب رزقه get into trouble يدخل فى متعب
    have a shower يأخذ حمام answer the phone يرد على التليفون
    catch the train يلحق بالقطار at sea فى البحر
    miss the train يفوته القطار on the island على الجزيرة
    fall off a bicycle يسقط من على دراجة famous for مشهور بـ
    on his journey فى رحلته at that time فى ذلك الوقت

    Synonyms مترادفات

    Word الكلمة Synonym المرادف Word الكلمة Synonym المرادف
    start يبدأ begin يبدأ giant عملاق big
    author مؤلف writer كاتب neighbouring مجاور next
    ridiculous ساخر silly سخيف make fun of يسخر من laugh at
    small صغير little / tiny صغير novel رواية story قصة
    fiction قصة خيالية

    Antonyms عكس الكلمات

    Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
    imaginative واسع الخيال / مبدع unimaginative ضيق الأفق / غير مبدع
    giant عملاق dwarf قزم
    win يكسب lose يخسر
    agree يوافق disagree لا يوافق
    asleep نائم awake مستيقظ
    exciting مثير boring ممل

    Word Family

    Verb Noun Adjective
    steal يسرق / يختلس stealth خلسة stolen مسروق
    stealthy مختلس
    neighbour جار
    neighbourhood جيرة neighbouring مجاور
    neighbourly ودود و متعاون
    represent يمثل representative ممثل
    representation تمثيل representative نموذجى
    ridicule يسخر من ridicule سخرية / استهزاء ridiculousيبعث على الاستهزاء
    explain يشرح / يفسر explanation شرح / تفسير explanatory تفسيرى
    commentate يعلق على commentary تعليق
    commentator معلق
    imagine يتخيل imagination خيال imaginaryخيالى / غير حقيقى
    imaginative واسع الخيال

    Confusable Words

     Let / allow:
     let + مفعول + مصدر : يدع / يسمح
    - Father let me use his mobile phone.
     allow + مفعول +to + مصدر : يسمح
    - Father allowed me to use his mobile phone.

     another / other / others:
     another + اسم مفرد / one / few / عدد: (آخر (اضافى / مختلف
    - I'm going to have another piece of cake.
    - Do you want to exchange this shirt for another one?
    - I'd like to extend my stay for another three / few weeks.
     other + oneاسم مفرد أو جمع أو كلمة : أخر / الآخر
    - I've found one earring حلق - do you know where the other one is?
    - Tom and three other boys went fishing this afternoon.
     others: (theالآخر / الآخرون (تشير الى أشياء أو أشخاص و يمكن أن يسبقها
    - Some people are rich while others are poor.
    - She gave me one book and promised to bring the others tomorrow.

     remember / remind:
     remember: يتذكر/ يبلغ تحيات
    - Did you remember to switch off the light?
    - Remember me to your father.
     remind + to + inf.: يذكر أن
    - Please remind me to bring my camera.
     remind of: يذكر بـ
    - Every time I see him, he reminds me of his father.

     steal / rob:
     steal: يسرق شيئا (يأتى بعده الشئ المسروق)
    - The thieves stole five million dollars from the bank.
     rob: يسرق من مكان أو شخص (يأتى بعده الشخص أو المكان الذى يسرق منه)
    - They robbed a bank last week.
    - Someone robbed me last night.
     rob (someone) (of): يسرق من شخص شئ
    - Someone robbed me of my watch last night.

     on / in:
     يستخدام حرف الجر on في الحالات الآتية:
    on television on the radio on the telephone on the internet
     يستخدم حرف الجر on مع الأيام ويستخدم in مع الشهور و السنين:
    on Monday, Friday, Sunday in May, April, August
     وعند تحديد اليوم مع الشهر (والسنة)نستخدم : on
    on 2nd May on March 1st, 2010

     at the end / in the end:
     at the end (of): غالبا يأتي بعدها الاسم
    - My house is at the end of this street.
     In the end: يأتي بعدها جملة أو تأتي في نهاية الجملة
    - We went shopping and visited some friends. In the end, we went home.

    Language Notes

     Let’s + مصدر ………………………..: هيا بنا
    Why don’t we/you + مصدر ……..? تستخدم للاقتراح و لم لا
    How / What about + v. + ing ………? ما رأيك فى
    - Let’s go out for a meal tonight.
    - Why don’t we go out for a meal tonight?
    - How / What about going out for a meal tonight?

     The reason why + جملة : سبب
    - The reason why he failed is that he didn't study hard.

     None of + …… + فعل جمع / مفرد:
    - None of my children has /have blonde hair.

     take + اسم / ضمير + مدة زمنية + to + inf.: يستغرق
    - It took me a long time to finish the book.

     promise to + inf.:
    - He promised to call me every week.

     as + adj. صفة + as: مثل (تستخدم عندم يتساوى شخصان أو شيئان فى الصفة)
    - She is as tall as her mother.

     It + is / was + adj. + to + inf.:
    - It is funny to read about the small people of Lilliput.

     لا تستخدم the قبل كلمة next اذا جاءت بعدها كلمات تدل علي الزمن
    Next week / next summer
    و تستخدم the قبل كلمة next اذا جاءت بعدها اسم
    - The next book I'm going to read is Gulliver's Travels.

     عند المقارنة بين شخصين أو شيئين فاننا نضيف للصفة القصيرة er و نضع بعدها than أما الصفة الطويلة فتوضع بين more / less ………. than
    - Ali is taller than my brother.
    - Physics is more difficult than any other subject.
     يمكن استخدام التصريف الثالث من بعض الأفعال كصفة
    a broken window شباك مكسور a stolen car سيارة مسروقة

     عند المقارنة بين أكثر شخصين أو شيئين فاننا نضيف للصفة القصيرة est و نضع قبلها the أما الصفة الطويلة فتوضع بعد the most / the least
    - Rania is the tallest girl in our class.
    - Rania is the most intelligent girl in our class.

     لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد بعد أسماء الكتب حتي لو كان الاسم يدل علي الجمع:
    - Gulliver's Travels is a funny novel.

    Language Functions

    Asking for opinion طلب الرأى

    Asking opinion Giving opinion
    - What do you think of / about ……. ? - It’s wonderful / interesting.
    - What's your opinion of / about …. ? - I like it very much.
    - What / How about + v. + ing ….. ? - It ‘s boring/expensive
    - How do you like ……. ? - It's really exciting and very funny

    Requesting الطلب

    Request Response
    - Could (Can) you + inf.….. , please? Agreeing:
    - Yes, of course. / Certainly.
    - It’s a pleasure. / With pleasure.

    - I’m sorry. / I’m afraid I can’t.
    - Could I + inf. ……… , please
    - Would you + inf. ……., please?
    - I’d be grateful if you could……
    - I wonder if you could……
    - I’d like……………, please.
    Would (Do) you mind + v. + ing……?
    - No, not at all. / No, of course not.
    - Yes, I would (do). (Refusingرفض )

    Thanking الشكر

    Thanking Response
    - Thanks a lot. / Thank you - Not at all.
    - Don’t mention it.
    - You’re welcome.
    - It’s a pleasure.
    - How thoughtful of you!
    - Thank you for…………………
    - That’s very kind of you.
     Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
    1- I can't think of an ………………….. for the team playing so badly.
    a) explanation b) exploration c) examination d) example
    2- Gulliver's Travels was …………….. in 1726.
    a) announced b) advertised c) grown d) declared
    3- Gulliver's Travels is thought be a clever ………………… on political situation in Europe.
    a) discovery b) remark c) reward d) commentary
    4- When I was a child, I couldn't think of interesting ideas, so my stories weren't very ………………… .
    a) imaginative b) imaginary c) image d) imagination
    5- ………………….. are meeting to discuss the relations between the two countries.
    a) Politics b) Politicians c) Diplomats d) Diplomas
    6- Winston Churchill was a famous British ………… who was once a prime minister.
    a) director b) politician c) secretary d) manager
    7- As soon as Gulliver's Travels was published, it was a great …………………….
    a) succeed b) successful c) succeeding d) success
    8- I'll .............. you a ring when I've finished the book.
    a) make b) do c) give d) take
    9- I fell ……………… my bicycle while I was going round a corner.
    a) down b) over c) up d) off
    10- The Titanic sank on its first ……………… after it hit an iceberg.
    a) voyage b) journey c) flight d) picnic
    11- It is always wrong to ……………… things that belong to other people.
    a) hit b) steal c) rob d) escape
    12- Children get upset if their friends ……………….. them.
    a) make up for b) make up c) make fun of d) make out
    13- Egypt and Libya are ……………………… countries.
    a) neighbouring b) neighbour c) neighbourhood d) neighbours
    14- You should ……………… that plant to the wall to stop it from falling over.
    a) relate b) lie c) tie d) lay
    15- In a dictionary, the letter V …………… the word verb.
    a) presents b) reseves c) preserves d) represents
    16- A ……………… is a person who is employed by a government to live in another country to speak for the government.
    a) politician b) diplomat c) writer d) lawyer
    17- In the past, some people believed the earth was flat. What a …………… idea!
    a) ridiculous b) true c) reasonable d) logical
    18- A ……………….. is a person who works in politics.
    a) magician b) musician c) diplomat d) politician
    19- Swift makes fun of the ridiculous things politicians ………….. about.
    a) agree b) argue c) fight d) stand
    20- She has blue eyes and yellow hair ……………… her other sisters.
    a) whereas b) from c) unlike d) despite
    21- A …………………… is written opinions about and descriptions of a subject.
    a) commentary b) representation c) commentator d) community
    22- The police found the ………………… car 50 kilometers from where it was taken.
    a) steal b) stealing c) stole d) stolen
    23- A …………… is someone who prints something and makes it available for people.
    a) commentator b) reporter c) publisher d) writer
    24- ………………… is a long journey on a ship.
    a) An adventure b) A safari c) A voyage d) A tour
    25- We are going a long way ahead; let's wait for ………….. to catch up with us.
    a) the others b) others c) other d) another
    26- The company …………….. him for all his hard work and honesty.
    a) rewarded b) congratulated c) helped d) laughed
    27- My birthday is ……………….. the 17th of October.
    a) in b) on c) at d) by
    28- We should do our best to ……………… our living.
    a) win b) gain c) conquer d) earn
    29- Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were ………………. .
    a) captured b) lived c) stayed d) fascinated
    30- The teacher …………… the class by giving them extra work.
    a) hurt b) talked to c) punished d) rewarded
    31- I can't go into work looking like this - everyone will laugh …………… me.
    a) at b) of c) from d) with
    32- I can ………………… people's faces, but not their names.
    a) remind b) call c) remember d) memory
    33- I tried to ………………… him at his office, but he wasn't in.
    a) communicate b) connect c) tie d) contact
    34- Would you mind ………………… the radio down?
    a) turn b) turning c) turned d) to turn
    35- He was a young sailor ……………… his first sea voyage.
    a) in b) at c) on d) with
    36- He decided to stay in Cairo for ……………… three weeks.
    a) the others b) others c) other d) another
    37- Many shops don't open ……………… Sundays.
    a) in b) at c) on d) of
    38- She ……………….. terribly in the winter when it's cold and her joints get stiff.
    a) laughs b) suffers c) talks d) speaks
    39- The credit card company pays for the things you buy and sends you a bill ……… the end of the month
    a) in b) for c) at d) to

    40- Gangs ……………….. passengers on overnight trains.
    a) steal b) take c) stay d) rob

    Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
    1- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
    2- She's always full of imagination ideas.
    3- It's an honour for an athlete to representation his or her country.
    4- Swift was born in Dublin, the larger city in Ireland.
    5- Ireland belonged from Britain.
    6- Gulliver's Travels were published in 1726.
    7- Swift was born on 1775 at the age of 78.
    8- He wrote another famous books.
    9- It's very funny to reading Gulliver's Travels.
    10- In Gulliver's Travels, Swift is making funny of European politics.
    11- He found work in England as a secretary to a tired diplomat.
    12- Gulliver's Travels is seen as the first science faction novel.

     Respond to each of the following situations:
    1- It's very hot. You ask your brother to open the window.
    2- A friend of yours has done you a favour and you thank him.
    3- You have just bought a new mobile. You want to know your friend's opinion.
    4- A friend visits you during your illness and wishes you a speedy recovery.
    5- Your father asks you to post a letter.


    Linking words (Conjunctions) الروابط

    Linkers of addition روابط الإضافة

    و هى روابط تستخدم فى ربط فكرتين أو أكثر.
    and: واو العطف (تربط اسمين أو فعلين)
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (and)
    We went to the market and the zoo.
    - They captured Gulliver. They tied him to the ground. (and)
    They captured Gulliver and tied him to the ground.

    Besides + v. + ing: بالاضافة الى
    - She cooked for twenty people. She did the washing up. (Besides)
    Besides cooking for twenty people, she did the washing up.

    In addition to + v. + ing: بالاضافة الى
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (In addition to)
    In addition to going to the market, we went to the zoo.

    In addition + جملة:
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. In addition)
    We went to the market. In addition, we went to the zoo.

    As well as + v. + ing : بالإضافة إلى (الفاعل واحد فى الجملتين)
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (As well as)
    As well as going to the market we went to the zoo.

     اذا استخدمت as well as في ربط جملتين يختلف فيهما الفاعل ، فان الفعل يتبع الفاعل الأول يكون ترتيب الجملة كما يلى.

    فاعل 1 + as well as + فاعل 2 + باقى الجملة الأولى

    - I have a car. He has a car. (as well as)
    I as well as he have a car.
     تربط as well as مفعولين أو صفتين مختلفين و توضع بين المفعولين أو الصفتين مع حذف الكلمات المتشابهة من الجملة الثانية.
    - Hala plays the guitar. She plays the piano. (as well as)
    Hala plays the guitar as well as the piano.
    - Rania is talented موهوبة. She is beautiful. (as well as)
    Rania is talented as well as beautiful.

    not only …………., but also ……….……: ليس فقط ... و لكن أيضا
    not only …… .….., but …….….. as well: ليس فقط ..... و لكن أيضا
     تأتى not only قبل الفعل الأساسى أو بعد الفعل المساعد فى الجملة الأولى.
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (not only)
    We not only went to the market but also we went to the zoo.
    We not only went to the garden, but we went to the zoo as well.
     إذا بدأنا بـNot only تكون الجملة الأولى على شكل سؤال.
    - We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (Not only……)
    Not only did we go to the market, but also we went to the zoo.
     إذا ربطت Not only……but also ….. فاعلين مختلفين فان الفعل يتبع الفاعل الثانى.
    - Tom plays music. His brothers play music. (Not only…..)
    Not only Tom but also his brothers play music.

    Linkers of Cause الروابط الدالة على السبب

    Because / As / Since + جملة : لأن (يأتى قبلها جملة النتيجة و بعدها جملة السبب)
    - He missed the bus. He was late for work. (because)
    He was late for school because he missed the bus.
    - He had no money. He couldn’t buy a bicycle. (Since / As)
    Since/As he had no money, he couldn’t buy a bicycle.

    Due to / Owing to
    Because of / Through + v. + ing /اسم / صفة + اسم: بسبب
    On account of
     تستخدم v + ing إذا كان الفاعل واحد في الجملتين
    - We lost the match. We played badly. (due to)
    We lost the match due to bad play.
    - We lost the game. We played badly. (through)
    We lost the game through bad play.
    - We didn’t play the match. The weather was bad. (owing to)
    We didn’t play the match owing to bad weather.
    - He went to the doctor because he was ill.
    He went to the doctor because of his illness. (because of)
    He went to the doctor because of being ill.
     الفعل المضاف له ing ينفي باستخدام not قبله:
    - He couldn't pay his debts. He didn't have any money. (due to)
    He couldn't pay his debts due to not having any money.

    Being + adj. صفة:
    - He went to the doctor because he was ill. (Being)
    Being ill, he went to the doctor.

    Therefore و لهذا السبب - consequently :نتيجة لذلك
    That’s whyو لهذا السبب - So لذلك :
    و يأتى قبلها جملة السبب و بعدها جملة النتيجة
    - I got a good degree. I didn’t have difficulty getting a job. (therefore / so)
    I got a good degree, therefore I didn’t have difficulty getting a job.
    I got a good degree, so I didn’t have difficulty getting a job.
    - I felt ill. I went to bed. (That’s why/ consequently)
    I felt ill. That’s why I went to bed.
    I felt ill, consequently I went to bed.

    Linkers of Contrast الروابط الدالة على التناقض

    Although / Though / Even though / Even if + بالرغم من :جملة
    However + صفة / ظرف + فاعل + :فعل بالرغم من
    صفة/ ظرف + as + فاعل + فعل: بالرغم من
    - He is young. He is strong. (Although / However / Young)
    Although he is young, he is strong.
    However young he is, he is strong
    Young as he is, he is strong.
     لاحظ ترتيب الجمل مع although / though / even though حيث أن الحدث غير المتوقع يأتي في الجملة الثانية. و في المثال السابق نجد أن الحدث غير المتوقع هو He is strong

    Whatever + مفعول + فاعل + فعل / اسم + v. to be / اسم : بالرغم من
    - He makes mistakes. I respect him. (Whatever)
    Whatever mistakes he makes, I respect him.
    Whatever his mistakes (are), I respect him.

    but و لكن/ however و مع ذلك/ yet و مع ذلك :
    - He is young. He is strong. (however / but)
    He is young but strong.
    He is young, but he is strong.
    He is young, however he is strong.
    He is young. However he is strong.

    In spite of / Despite + v. + ing / اسم/ صفة + :اسم بالرغم من
    In spite of / Despite + the fact that + جملة:
    - He was ill. He passed the exam. (Despite / In spite of)
    Despite (In spite of) being ill, he passed the exam.
    Despite (In spite of) his illness, he passed the exam.
    Despite (In spite of) the fact that he was ill, he passed the exam.

    Linkers of Condition الروابط الدالة على الشرط

    Unless + (…….. جملة (فاعل + فعل مثبت : ما لم
    If +(…….. جملة (فاعل + فعل منفى : إذا
    - He won’t go to sleep unless you tell him a story. (if)
    He won’t go to sleep if you don’t tell him a story.

    Linkers of Time الروابط الدالة على الزمن

    While بينما
    - While reading the newspaper, I fell asleep.

    when عندما
    - When I got home, I did my homework.

    as soon as بمجرد أن
    - As soon as I saw it, I wanted to buy it.

    before: قيل
    - Before I went to bed, I phoned my friend.

     لاحظ في الجمل السابقة أن الحدث الأول جاء بعد when / as soon as وأن الحدث الثاني جاء بعد before
     Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
    1- …………………… the man was very sick, he didn't see the doctor.
    a) As b) So c) Unless d) Although
    2- As well as ……………….. a writer, he was a politician.
    a) be b) being c) is d) is being
    3- I'm not very good at sports, ………………… I can swim very well.
    a) despite b) however c) because d) whatever
    4- The captain as well as the sailors …………… responsible for what had happened.
    a) was b) were c) have been d) are
    5- He won’t do any work for you ………………….. you pay him.
    a) if b) so c) unless d) as long as
    6- He didn’t expect to win, …………… he was delighted when he got the gold medal.
    a) so b) because c) as d) but
    7- He didn’t come to school ……………… he was ill.
    a) because b) because of c) although d) but
    8- We had to change the plans ……………… problems we hadn’t expected.
    a) because b) so c) as d) owing to
    9- He says he likes sports. ……………………….. he only watches it on TV.
    a) Despite b) Although c) As d) However
    10- I fell asleep ……………… I was watching a long film.
    a) although b) if c) while d) because
    11- I like reading novels, ………………… I don't have time.
    a) but b) if c) because d) although
    12- ……………… I was crossing to school today, I saw an accident.
    a) After b) Although c) while d) As soon as
    13- ……………… my brother works very hard, he doesn't earn much money.
    a) As b) Although c) So d) As soon as
    14- ……………….. you need to remember a date, write it in your diary.
    a) If b) Although c) Unless d) Despite
    15- He thought he would miss the train, ……………….. it was late, so he caught it.
    a) because b) because of c) although d) but
    16- ……………… he ran as fast as he could, he was only third in the race.
    a) If b) Although c) Unless d) Despite
    17- …………….. they were having breakfast, the phone rang six times.
    a) As b) Although c) while d) As soon as
    18- I'd like to see the new film, …………… none of my friends wants to go with me.
    a) because b) because of c) although d) but
    19- ……………… you don't like hot weather, don't come to Egypt in July.
    a) If b) Although c) Unless d) Despite
    20- ………………… I got home, I did my homework.
    a) As b) Although c) while d) As soon as

    21- She speaks English ……………….. French.
    a) as b) as well c) well d) and
    22- Not only ……………………… up late, but also he forgot his books.
    a) he turned b) did he turn c) turned he d) turned
    23- I went there …………………. I was a child.
    a) when b) before c) as soon d) although
    24- He managed to eat a big lunch …………… having eaten an enormous breakfast.
    a) because b) because of c) although d) despite
    25- She walked home by herself …………… she knew that it was dangerous.
    a) because b) because of c) although d) despite

     Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
    1- Last week, as well as we went to the club, we went to the cinema.
    2- He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
    3- They didn't play the match through of the bad weather.
    4- As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
    5- I like most school subjects because I don't like physics.
    6- As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
    7- However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
    8- Because they played very well, they lost the match.
    9- Ali as well as his friends are going to the concert
    10- Not only he hit the man’s car but also he called him bad names.
    11- Swift was a politician as well as a churchman.
    12- I had to take a taxi although it was raining heavily.
    13- He didn’t attend the meeting because of he was ill.
    14- He went to the doctor because of he was ill.
    15- Unless Peter doesn’t improve his work, he’ll fail the exam.

    Test on unit 2

    A) Language Functions

    1- Respond to each of the following situations:
    1- Your friend bought a new DVD last week. You want to know if he or she has watched it. What do you say?
    2- You want to know your friend's opinion of the DVD. What do you say?
    3- You want to know if you can watch the DVD when he or she has watched it. What do you say?
    4- Your friend agrees to help you. You are very pleased. What do you say?

    2- Say where the two mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:
    1- A: It's very kind of you to bring me such Place:
    lovely flowers. Speaker A:
    B: Not at all. I hope you get better soon. Speaker B:

    2- A: Excuse me, do you have these trousers Place:
    in a large size? Speaker A:
    B: Just one moment, madam, I'll check. Speaker B:
    A: Thank you.

    B) Vocabulary and Structure

    3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
    1- Watch your bag! If you are not careful, someone might …………………… it
    a) jump b) hit c) steal d) want
    2- I was not able to speak for myself, so I asked a lawyer to ……………… me.
    a) watch b) represent c) interpret d) write
    3- After 10 years in prison, the prisoner was able to …………… when the guard forgot to take the keys out of his door.
    a) escape b) celebrate c) represent d) walk
    4- The boys were very unkind to the new student and they …………… his big nose.
    a) looked at b) talked about c) made fun of d) watched
    5- The teacher decided to …………… the bad student by making him stay in the classroom during the lunch break.
    a) hurt b) talk to c) punish d) sing to
    6- The ……………………… on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
    a) commentary b) representation c) explanation d) imagination

    7- The crowd of people, who waited in the hot sun for many hours without food and water, really ……………….. .
    a) laughed b) suffered c) talked d) cried
    8- Mrs. Allen’s son passed all his examinations successfully, so she …………… him by buying him driving lessons.
    a) rewarded b) congratulated c) helped d) laughed
    9- My brother is 170 cm and my sister is 150 cm. My brother is ………….. my sister.
    a) taller b) as tall as c) taller than d) taller as
    10- I am 155 cm and so is my friend. My friend is ………….... me.
    a) as tall as b) taller than c) tall like d) as tall than
    11- …………………… I can lend you some money. It’s no problem at all.
    a) Although b) If c) Of course d) As soon as
    12- ………………… I like reading a lot, I am not good at writing.
    a) Although b) If c) More d) Because
    13- We can go to play tennis …………….. the weather is good.
    a) in spite of b) although c) of course d) if
    14- I wanted to go to school ……………….. I was too sick to go.
    a) while b) but c) if d) as soon as
    15- ………………… Gulliver was travelling at sea, there was a storm.
    a) Although b) If c) Because d) While
    16- ……………… I finished reading the book, I wanted to start reading it again from the beginning.
    a) As soon as b) Because c) If d) While

    4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
    1- The police found the steal car 50 kilometres from where it was found.
    2- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
    3- My uncle is a represent for an international company.
    4- Our trip to Sinai got delayed because heavy rain.
    5- They played the match in spite it rained heavily.
    6- I as well as Ali speaks English well.

    C) Reading Comprehension

    5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
    Everyone is individual and different. In the same way as everyone's fingerprints are unique, so is everyone's personality. We can usually see people's personality in the clothes they wear, or how they look after their things, or how they behave with other people. When we say that we know someone well, what we really mean is that we can make accurate guesses about what that person will do or think. We know the different features of their personality. These features are called "personality traits".

    Psychologists think that we have "central personality traits". These affect how we behave, and how we react to people and situations. Examples of central personality traits are friendliness, neatness, competitiveness, shyness and optimism. This means that generally a person will be friendly or shy, neat or untidy, optimistic or pessimistic in different situations. Some psychologists think that we inherit these central traits from our family and that they usually stay with us all our life.
    Psychologists say that we also have "secondary traits", connected with the things we prefer, such as our favourite food, music, films or colours. These can change as we get older, but very often many of them stay the same all our lives. For example, when we are adults we may buy clothes the same colour that we liked when we were children.

    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- How are people different from each other?
    2- Mention three adjectives from the passage that describe positive aspects of people's personalities.
    3- What are the different types of traits mentioned in the passage.

    B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    4- Many psychologists think that we get our central traits from ……………… .
    a) school b) books c) our family d) our friends
    5- According to the passage, if we know people well, we get to know ……… .
    a) their families b) ourselves
    c) their neighbours d) their personality traits

    6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions: (August, 2001)
    On leaving, Mrs Magda gave instructions to the new baby-sitter, whose main work was to look after the baby. The baby-sitter had never done this work before and Mrs Magda was a little bit anxious. “Make yourself comfortable, Soha.” Mrs Magda said. “I’ve prepared a tray of food and fruit for you. You can listen to the radio or watch TV, but don’t have it on too loud because it might wake the baby. Sound moves terribly in this house. If the boy wakes up, go to his room and stay with him there until he goes back to sleep. Anyway, he is two years old, so you wouldn’t have any trouble. My husband and I will be back at about five o’clock.”
    Mr Kamal and his wife Magda returned rather later than they had expected. They heard the sound of TV. A light was still on in the living room. Their little baby was crying loudly. His face was covered with tears. Mr Kamal switched off the TV. Mrs Magda went to the living room immediately and came out holding the baby who was very hungry.
    “What is she doing there? Where is Soha? She is fast asleep. She has eaten all the food here!”.
    A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Why was Mrs Magda worried about the baby-sitter?
    2- What instructions did Mrs. Magda give to the baby-sitter?
    3- Was Soha a good baby-sitter or a bad one? Why?

    B) Choose the correct answer:
    4- When Mrs Magda returned home, she was surprised because……
    a) the baby-sitter was awake b) there was a light in the living room
    c) the TV was on d) the baby was crying and Soha was fast asleep
    5- Mrs. Magda came home…..
    a) before five b) after five c) at five d) at half past four

    D) The Novel

    7- A) Answer the following questions:
    1- Where do spiders usually live?
    2- Describe the spider that Ayman saw.

    B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
    “Many hundreds of people were killed by black and yellow spiders in this town.”
    1- How did the townspeople fight the spiders?
    2- Why did they have to leave the town?

    C) Complete the following sentences:
    1- The police officer was surprised when …………………………….
    2- Ayman got his computer when …………………………………….. .

    E) Writing

    8- Write a letter to your friend John who wants to come to visit Egypt. Tell him about: the weather, suitable clothes to bring, places to visit, accommodation and any other information you think is important. Your name is Sami. You live at 69 Safya Zagloul St. Alexandria.

    F) Translation

    9- A) Translate into Arabic:
    Television has some negative effects. Studies in the USA show that today's children are fatter than children were before because they eat much when they are watching TV. These studies show that the children who spend a lot of time watching TV are worse at school.

    B) Translate into English:
    1- كان للعلماء و المفكرين العرب تأثير كبير على الثقافة الغربية. (August 2007)
    2- ان هوايتى المفضلة هى قراءة القصص الخيالية و الاستماع الى الموسيقى. (August 2001)


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