أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى الأستاذ/طـــارق عبد اللطيف للغة الإنجليزية

أطيب التمنيات و التهانى بمناسبة بدء الفصل الدراسى الثانى مع خالص دعواتى بالتوفيق و النجاح للجميع
إنتظروا مسابقات الألغاز و الفوازير بداية العام الدراسى فى انتظار مشاركاتكم و الجوائز قيمة
مذكرات ماستر للأستاذ طارق عبد اللطيف دليلك للنجاح فى المرحلة الثانوية و الإعدادية
ارق التهانى لمدرسة الاعدادية الحديثة للبنات بحصولها على اعتماد الجودة
ارق التهانى للأستاذ/ طارق عبد اللطيف لفوزه فى مسابقة المعلم المتميز تكنولوجياً
يا رب الخير لمصر و هنيئاً للشعب المصرى بالحرية

نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

المواضيع الأخيرة
» الوحدة الثالثة بوربوينت
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالأحد ديسمبر 02, 2012 3:03 pm من طرف عمر ابو مريم

» حافز يوليو لوزارة النقل
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 15, 2011 3:19 pm من طرف Admin

» كفاية" تستخدم شاشات ضوئية لعرض مطالب الثورة
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:51 pm من طرف Admin

» فى خطبته بمسجد النور.. الشيخ محمد حسان يحذر من المساس بالمادة الثانية فى الدستور.. ويطالب الجماعات الإسلامية بالتوحد.. وعودة الثقة بين الشعب والشرطة.. وحافظ سلامة يطالب بمحاكمة مبارك
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:47 pm من طرف Admin

» الأوضاع فى ليبيا
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:44 pm من طرف Admin

» إمتحان لشهر نوفمبر
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:43 pm من طرف Admin

» نموذج اختبار للفصل الدراسى الأول
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:37 pm من طرف Admin

» مراجعة القصة الترم الأول كــــــــــــــــــــاملاً
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:34 pm من طرف Admin

» Writing skills
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:14 pm من طرف Admin


نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

المواضيع الأخيرة
» الوحدة الثالثة بوربوينت
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالأحد ديسمبر 02, 2012 3:03 pm من طرف عمر ابو مريم

» حافز يوليو لوزارة النقل
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء يونيو 15, 2011 3:19 pm من طرف Admin

» كفاية" تستخدم شاشات ضوئية لعرض مطالب الثورة
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:51 pm من طرف Admin

» فى خطبته بمسجد النور.. الشيخ محمد حسان يحذر من المساس بالمادة الثانية فى الدستور.. ويطالب الجماعات الإسلامية بالتوحد.. وعودة الثقة بين الشعب والشرطة.. وحافظ سلامة يطالب بمحاكمة مبارك
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:47 pm من طرف Admin

» الأوضاع فى ليبيا
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 9:44 pm من طرف Admin

» إمتحان لشهر نوفمبر
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:43 pm من طرف Admin

» نموذج اختبار للفصل الدراسى الأول
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة أكتوبر 15, 2010 8:37 pm من طرف Admin

» مراجعة القصة الترم الأول كــــــــــــــــــــاملاً
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:34 pm من طرف Admin

» Writing skills
لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 2:14 pm من طرف Admin

التبادل الاعلاني
ا.طارق عبد اللطيف - مدرس أول لغة إنجليزية - دراسات عليا فى طرق التدريس
التبادل الاعلاني
ا.طارق عبد اللطيف - مدرس أول لغة إنجليزية - دراسات عليا فى طرق التدريس

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب Empty لمراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب الجمعة سبتمبر 24, 2010 1:27 pm



[المراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب
(The Spiders)
الثانوية العامة المرحلة الأولى
إعداد:أ/ طارق عبد اللطيف
أهم كلمات القصة
أهم الأسئلة و إجاباتها
أهم الأقوال و إجابتها
أهم أسئلة التكملة و إجابتها
The Spiders
The most important words in the Spiders
أهم كلمات القصة

Remote: بعيد
Local: محلي
Archaeologist:عالم أثارظ
Insects: حشرات
Arachnologist: عالم عنكوبيات
Flies: ذباب
Underground: تحت الأرض
Survive: ينجو
Mummy: مومياء
Inject: يخقن
Treasure: كنز
Antivenom: مضاد للسموم
Connect: يوصل
Antibodies: أجسام مضادة
transmit: يرسل
guard: حارس – يحرس
Radio: لاسلكي
Imagination: خيال
Web: شبكة
Unnecessarily: بلا ضرورة
Fangs: أنياب
Products: منتجات
Increase: يزيد
Stay: يقيم
Telecom engineer: مهندس اتصالات
Furious:غاضب جدا
Technician: فني
A fool: أحمق
Disappear: يختفي
Intelligent: ذكي
Chat: دردشة
unknown: غير معروف
Flexible: مرن
Species: أجناس – أنواع
Zoology: علم الحيوان
Expert: خبير
World wide web: شبكة الإنترنت
Protective: واقية
Search: يحث – تفتيش
Method: طريقة
Text: نص مكتوب
Quantities: كميات
Townspeople: سكان البلدة
Process: عملية
Climate: مناخ
Extinct: منقرض
Disturb: يزعج
Botanist: عالم نبات
Female: أنثى
Insecticides: مبيدات حشرية
Male: ذكر
Sprays: رشاشات سوائل
Lay eggs: تضع البيض
Equipment: معدات
Department: قسم
Sheet: ملاءة
Message: رسالة
Smokers: جهاز دخان
Possibility: احتمال
Cough: يكح
Identify: يحدد نوع
Destroy: يدمر
medicine: دواء – طب
Nest: عش
Bite / bit / bitten: يعض – يلدغ
Ambulance: سيارة اسعاف
Medical: طبي
Keep still: تبقى ثابتة بلا حركة
CD database: اسطوانة بيانات
Bravery: شجاعة
Pick up: يلتقط
Storm: عاصفة
Collect: يجمع
Towrope: حبل جر
Ventilator: جهاز تنفس
employer: أصحاب الشركات
Passage: ممر
Blind: يعمي – أعمى
Spread: تنتشر
Minister: الوزير
Attack: تهاجم
Popular: مشهور – محبوب

Very important questions and answers..

..أهم الأسئلة و إجاباتها

1-Why did the four men switch off their lights and engines?
لماذا أغلق الرجال الأنوار و المحرك
-Because they didn't want anyone to see or hear them.
2-What had the archaeologists discovered the week before?
ماذا اكتشف علماء الأثار منذ أسبوع
-They discovered two rooms full of treasures and mummies.
3-Each robber had a different job. Explain
لكل لص وظيفة محدد ة.. اشرح
-Te oldest one was the leader.
-The small thin man with glasses was carrying the GPR.
-The tall man was carrying the small computer.
-The big man was carrying the tool bag. He broke through the wall.

4-How does the GPR work?
كيف تعمل الجي بي ار
It sends radio waves that penetrates the wall. When they hit something behind, they will return to the computer attached to it which changes them into a picture.
5-How was the robber’s death discovered?
كيف تم اكتشاف موت اللصوص
By a helicopter flying over the desert on its way to fix a transmitter.
6-In the pilot’s opinion, What was the cause of the men’s death?
في رأي الطيار ما سبب موت الرجال
He thought that they died of thirst after getting lost in the desert.
7-What was Ayman's favourite hobby?
ما هواية أيمن المفضلة
It was the Internet through his computer. He uses it in his study and making friends.
the biggest spider.
صف العنكبوت الكبير
It was as big as an apple. It was black with two yellow lines on its back. It had eight legs and eyes and two sharp fangs .
9-According to the story, how did the town disappear?
طبقا للقصة كيف اختفت البلدة
When the townspeople burnt it down to get rid of the deadly spiders.
10-In Dr. Shreen's opinion, what is the other reason for the disappearance of the town?
في رأي شرين ما السبب الأخر لاختفاء البلدة
It might have disappeared because the climate changed in Egypt.
11-What is the suitable place for the spider?
ما أنسب الاماكن للعناكب
It mmust be dark, quiet and cool.
12-What did the archeologist from Egypt send Dr. Shereen?
ماذا أرسل عالم الأثار المصري ل د . شرين
He sent her an old picture of a black and yellow spider found in a tomb near Bawiti last year.
13-Why did she think that Ayman should tell the police?
لماذا اعتقدت انه يجب على أيمن إبلاغ البوليس
As she thought that the spider may be dangerous and deadly.
14-What did Ayman think about informing the police?
ما رأي أيمن في إبلاغ البوليس
He refused as people would laugh at him.
15-Who was Professor Malcolm Jones?
من هو الاستاذ جونز
He was the head of Zoology Department at Oxford University. He was a very famous arachnologist who wrote books on spiders.
16-What did Professor Jones think about the spiders?
ما رأي الأستاذ بخصوص العناكب
Professor Jones thought that spiders are our friends because they are very useful as they eat insects.
17-Why did Prof. Jones think that the spider Ayman had seen was female?
لماذا اعتقد الأستاذ أن العنكبوت الذي راّه أيمن انثى
As female spiders are usually bigger than male ones.
18-Why can’t hospitals treat the bites of that spider?
لما لا تستطيع المستشفيات علاج لدعات العناكب
Because, then there was no antivenom for it.
19-What is the World Wide Web like ?
ما هي الشبكة العالمية
Like a huge library transferring information through 1000s computers in the world.
20-What would happen to local business if people heard Ayman's story?
ماذا يحدث للتجارة المحلية إن سمع الناس بقصة أيمن
People would not stay in hotels, they would not eat in the restaurants and they wouldn’t buy the food products. Business would lose money.
21-What did Colonel Mikhail ask Professor Jones to do?
ماذا طلب العقيد من الأستاذ
Colonel Mikhail asked them to join the police team and find one of those spiders.
22-What happened when the professor switched on the smoker?
ماذا حدث عندما شغل الأستاذ جهاز الدخان
Spiders and insects fell on the white sheet.
23-Why was it wrong to destroy the spiders?
لماذا كان خطئا تدمير العناكب
They would destroy an important archaeological site. Spiders would escape underground. They didn’t know the size of the area either.
24-Did Professor Jones think that they were looking for only one spider? Why?
هل اعتقد الأستاذ أنهم يبحثون عن عنكبوت واحد
Because nobody except Ayman reported seeing a big spider.
did the large female spider do when the tank fell on
its leg?
ماذا فعلت أنثى العنكبوت عندما سقط الأسطوانة على أحد أرجلها
It used its fangs for cutting its own leg to free itself.
26-How were the spiders able to bite Ayman?
كيف تمكنت العناكب الصغيرة من لدغ ايمن
When he fell to the ground , his suit was torn. تمزقت
27-What difficulties did Wafaa, and the others face in Sinai?
ما الصعوبات التي واجهتها وفاء و الأخرون في سيناء
The heavy rain. The narrow and steep road. The three wadis flooded with water.
28-How was Wafa brave?
كيف كانت وفاء شجاعة
She drove all the way to Hamdayya alone facing the heavy rain, fears and loneliness to save Ayman.
29-Shereen Fakhry played an important role in fighting the spiders. Explain
لعبت شرين دورا هاما في محاربة العن اكب .. فسر
She translated the text about the ancient village, She told Aymanthrough emails about the medicine. She also caused Professor Jones to come to Egypt.
30-How did Ayman save his sister, Lamia from the big spider?
كيف أنقذ أيمن أخته من العنكب وت الضخم
He asked her to keep still as he wanted to take a photo. The flash blinded the spider for a second. He knocked the spider into the box of the camera.
31-Why wouldn’t the bites of the female spider kill Ayman?
لماذا لم تقتل الدغة أيمن
As his body produced a lot of antibodies the first time he was bitten.
32-Why was Ayman the most popular young man?
لماذا أصبح أيمن أشهر شاب
As his name and picture were on TV and ewspapers. The minister mdescribed him as a brave intelligent young man.
33-How did the internet play an important part to fight the spiders?
كيف لعبت الإنترنت دورا مهما في محاربة العناكب
Ayman knew about Dr. Shereen through it. She sent him emails, a picture of a spider and told him about the old medicine made from Echinacea negra.
34-Ayman felt like a new person with a new future. Explain.
شعر أيمن انه شخص جديد بمستقبل جدي د.. فسر
Prof. Jones offered him to study in England. Uncle Waleed told him that all employers would like to employ him.
35-Modern technology played an important role in the story.Illustrate
لعبت التكنولوجيا الحديثة دورا مهما في القص ة.. استعرض
The robbers used GPR to see behind walls. Ayman & Shereen used the computer and the internet to identify the spider. Prof. Jones used the smoker to catch spiders.

Very important Quotations

Read the following quotations then answer the questions:
1"How did you get the information."
a-Bywhom and to whom was this statement said?
b-What about this information?
c-What was the answer to the question?

The answer
a-These words were said by the tall man to the old man.
b-It is about the treasures which had been found a week before.
c-There were probably more rooms containing gold.

2"If there are more rooms here, this machine will find
them in minutes"
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-About what was he speaking?
c-What did he do after that?
the answer
a-These words were said by the small man to the tall man.
b-He was speaking about the GPR which could discover what was behind the wall.
c-He turned some switches on the computer and GPR. It showed that there was an empty room behind the wall.
3"So why don't archaeologists use GPR"?
a-What does GPR mean?
b-What was the answer to this question?
c-What does the tall man do after that?
the answer
a-GPR means a Ground Penetrating Radar.
b-Archaeologists don't often use GPR because it is expensive.
c-The tall man used it to discover what was behind the wall.
4"We must find what we want and get out before morning"
a-Who said these words?
b-Why did he say so?
c-What nwere they searching for?
the answer
a-These words were said by the oldest man to the robbers.
b-He told them so because he hadn't much time. They had to take the treasure before the morning lest they should be arrested.
c-They were searching for the treasures.
5"A team of six archaeologists found these two rooms last week"
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-What did he speak about? cWhat
did they intend to do?
the answer
a-These words were said by the oldest man to the tall man.
b-He spoke about the new archaeological site.
c-They intended to rob it.
6"Get them off me! He shouted."
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-What does the underlined word "them" mean?
c-Why did he say so?
the answer
a-These words were said by the big man to the robbers.
b-The word "them" refers to the spiders.
c-He said so because the spiders attacked him.
7"There aren't any deadly spiders in Egypt. We might get sick but we won't die."
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-When was it said?
c-what were they afraid of?
the answer
a-These words were said by the oldest man to the robbers.
b-When the spiders had bitten them all.
c-They were afraid lest the spiders should be deadly. He assured them that there were no deadly spiders in Egypt.
8"Their water's all gone. They probably got lost and died of thirst."
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-Who were "they"?
c-Do you think these words were true? Why?
the answer
a-the pilot to the engineer.
b-The four robbers.
c-No Because spiders killed them.
9"May be it's an unknown species of spider".
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-Why did he say so?
c-Was it true of not?
the answer
a-These words were said by the small man to the oldest man.
b-ecause he was afraid of dying.
c-It was true that the spiders were unknown species.
10"Spiders use webs to catch flies, but I am going to use the web to find a spider".
a-Who said these words?
b-What did he decide to do?
c-What did he do after that?
the Answer
a-These words were said by Ayman to himself.
b-to get information about the spider from the internet.
c-He phoned a friend then he sent an email
to Dr. Sheren Fakhry.
11"I have just seen a large black and yellow spider which I can't identify".
a-By whom and to whom was it said?
b-Why did he send an email?
c-How did he know about Dr. Shereen Fakhry?
The Answer
a-This was part of Ayman's first email to Dr. Shereen Fakhry.
b-He sent her an email to inquire about the strange spider which he saw.
c-He knew about her from her translation of the old Egyptian text through the Internet.
12"Many ancient towns and villages died about 2000 years ago."
a-Who said these words?
b-Why did the speaker think that?
c-Does the speaker think the story is true or not?
the Answer
a-Dr.Shereen Fakhry.
b-Because of the climate.
c-She thought that it may be just a story.
13"We'll find it on the database"
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-What does the speaker speak about?
c-What did she do after that?
the answer
a-These words were said by Suzan Bennet to Dr. Shereen.
b-about black and yellow spiders
c-She searched the data base, then they went to Professor Jones.
14"I've been studying arachnids for 25 years"
a-Why was the professor angry?
b-What was he excited about?
c-Why did Dr. Fakhry and Suzan visit him?
the answer
a-Because his flight to South America was cancelled.
b-about the new species of spider which he couldn't identify.
c-They wanted him to see if he could identify the spider which Ayman had seen.
15"Do you think he really saw this spider"?
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-What was the answer?
c-Who was with them?
The answer
a-These words were said by Dr.Shereen to Professor Jones.
b-The answer was yes.
c-Suzan Bennet.
16"I have discussed the black and yellow spider with
professor Malcolm Jones"
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-Who was Professor Malcolm Jones?
c-Where would he go the next day?
The Answer
a-This was written by Shereen Fakhry in her email to Ayman.
b-He was the head of the Zoology Department at Oxford
University. He was one of the world's top archaeologists.
c-He would travel to Egypt.
17"All the archaeologists at the site are dead. They were foundearly this morning."
a-Is it true that men do not normally die from spider bites?
b-Why had men dies from spider bites?
c-Who said this sentence?
the Answer
a-Yes it is. Because they were deadly spiders.
c-Ayman's brother (Mohammed).
18"Stories about dangerous spiders are not good for
a-Who said these words and to whom?
b-What did he ask Ayman to do?
c-What would happen if Ayman told the people?
the Answer
a-Ayman's uncle to Ayman.
b-Not to tell anyone outside the family about spiders
c-the people will be afraid and business will lose a lot of money.
19"My men are going to be in danger from these spiders until we get the correct antivenom."
a-Who said these words and to whom.
b-Why were the soldiers in danger?
c-How could they protect themselves?
the Answer
a-These words were said by the colonel to professor Jones.
b-ecause there was no antivenom of these species of spiders.
c-They would were protective suits and use insecticides.
20"I'm sending you a very old picture that was found in a tomb in Bawiti last year"
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-Why did he send this picture?
c-What did the picture show?
The answer
a-This was part of the email the Egyptian archaeological sent to Dr. Fakhry..
b-In reply to Dr. Shereen's request" for information about deadly spiders in ancient Egypt.
c-The picture showed a black and yellow spider like the spider in the text.
21"May be the spider came from Bawiti to your town"
a-By whom to whom was this statement said?
b-What did Ayman think?
c-Whatdid Ayman think of the spider's picture?
the answer
a-These words were said by Dr. Shereen Fakhry to Ayman in their conversation through the Internet.
b-Ayman thought that the spider came from the archaeological site.
c-He said that It was the same as the one he saw before.
22"This medicine is for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills. Make this medicine from the root of the Echinacea Negra plant."
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-What was the treatment of the spider's bite?
c-Where can they find the plant?
the answer
a-This was part the translation of the 2,000 year old text which the German Egyptologist translated and sent to Shereen.
b-Echinacea Negra was the treatment for the spider's bite.
c-They can find it in Sinai.
23"But spiders are very useful animals because they eat
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-Are all kinds of spiders useful? Mention your point of view.
c-What did the speaker decide to do when he heard about the deadly spider?
the answer
a-These words were said by professor Jones to Dr. Fakhry.
b-Notall spiders are useful because there are some deadly ones.
c-When he heard about the deadly spider he decided to go to Egypt.
24"People have disturbed the spiders, suddenly those spiders have come into our world.
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-Why did spiders come to our world?.
c-Where were those spiders?
the answer
a-These words were said by professor Jones to Dr. Shereen
b-because people had disturbed spiders.
c-they were in tombs underground the desert.
25"Egypt is the meeting point of three continents. What will stop these spiders from spreading through Africa, Asia and Europe."
a-By whom and to whom was this statement Said?
b-What does this show? cWas
it possible to stop spiders? Why?
the answer
a-These words were said by professor Jones to Dr. Shereen
b-ecause people had disturbed spiders.
c-they were in tombs underground the desert.
26"It I say, I have seen a big dangerous spider, every one would laugh at me".
a-By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b-What did she ask him to do?
c-Why did he refuse to do so?
the answer
a-These words were said by Ayman to Dr. Shereen Fakhry.
b-She asked him to tell the police about the spiders.
c-Because the police may laugh at him.
27"If these spiders are an unknown species, scientists will have to develop a new antivenom."
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Why was it difficult to develop a new antivenom.
c-What are they speaking about?
The answer
a-These words were said by professor Jones to captain Ahmed.
b-Because it would take a long time.
c-There speaking about the spider that Ayman had seen to fight these deadly spiders.
28"The ancient Egyptian made this medicine from the roots of na plant Echinacea Negra".
a-Who mwas speaking to whom?
b-Where was the plant found?
c-Which disease would it cure?
The answer
a-This was part of the email Dr. Fakhry sent to Ayman.
b-In Sinai.
c-It would cure spider bites.
29"Don't let anybody come near this site and don't let
anything leave here without a careful search".
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Which site did he speak about?
c-What did he do after that?
the answer
a-These words were said by Captain Ahmed to the two guards
archaeological site.
entered the tombs underground to identify the spider.
30"What about the Echinacea Negra plants."
a-Who is the speaker?
b-What was captain answer?
c-What is the name of the botanist?
the answer
b-He said that Wafaa Sultan who went to bring The Echinacea Negra plant.
c-Wafaa Sultan.
31"If these spiders are an unknown species scientists will have to develop a new antivenom".
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-How is ant venom made?
c-Do you think these spiders are unknown species?
The answer
a-Professor Jones to Colonel Mikhail.
b-Scientists put small amounts of venom into the animal's body. The body makes antibodies to fight the venom, then scientists extract the antibodies and make a safe antivenom.
c-Yes,I do.
32"The ancient Egyptians made this medicine from the roots of a plant called "Echinacea Negra"
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Did the speaker have any information about "Echinacea Negra"
c-Who has studied the plant?
The answer
a-That was the email sent by the German Egyptologist to Dr.
Shereen Fakhry.
b-Yes,he said that it cured the black and yellow spider's bite and it is grown only in Sinai.
c-Wafaa Sultan.
33"Can you identify the spider now"?
a-When did captain Ahmed say that?
b-What was the professor's answer?
c-Where did this happen?
the answer
a-In the archeological site when they entered the tombs
b-He said that it was a new species and that it was dangerous because there was no antivenom.
c-In the archaeological site.".
34-I'd phone the University and find this Wafaa Sultan. If the spiders are an unknown species, we will send her to Sinai to get some of this Echinacea Negra.
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Who was Wafaa Sultan?
c-Are the spiders an unknown species?
the answer
a-Colonel Mikhail to Captain Ahmed ElSherief
b-a researcher in the department of Botanical science at Cairo university.
c-Yes, they are.
35"I understand your scientific interest but ten people have died already. My job is to prevent more deaths."
a-Who was speaking to whom?
b-Who were the deaths.?
c-Why was the captain anxious?
the answer
a-Captain Ahmed to Professor Jones.
b-Six Archaeologists and four robbers.
c-Because he was afraid of the deadly spider and wanted to know how to stop its spreading.
36"the most urgent task is to find the female spider's nest"
a-Who said this to whom?
b-What did this mean?
c-Where did a spider like to build its nest?
the answer
a-These words were said by the Colonial to professor Jones.
b-It meant that they had to find the spider's nest at once.
c-The spider liked to build its nest in a dark quiet and cool place.
37"An empty house!! that's where I saw the spider".
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Where did he see the spider go?
c-What happened after that?
the answers
a-Ayman to Colonel Mikhail.
b-the spider went to the empty house which was next to his house.
c-The police surrounded the empty house and Ayman's house.
38"Don't move we are coming to help you"
a-Who was the speaker?
b-To whom?
c-Why did he say so?
The answer
a-Captain Ahmed
b-The officer who was "attached by the male spiders.
c-Because spiders covered the officer's face.
39"Hehas only hours to live unless the Echinacea Negra can get to him in time, and work."
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Who was in danger?
c-How would he be saved?
the answers
a-These words were said by Captain Ahmed to Colonel Mikhail.
c-by the Echinacea Negra plant.
40"She says that Echinacea Negra won't work for the bite of the female. So we must be sure that the female is dead."
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-What's Echinacea Negra used for?
c-Who would bring it?
The answer
a-These words were said by Colonel Mikhail to Captain Ahmed.
b-They were used as a care for the spider bites.
c-Wafaa Sultan and a team of officers.
41'We have to get through we have a young man's life in ourhands"
a-Why did Wafaa say so?
b-To whom did she speak?
c-Why was she worried?
the answer
a-There was a storm and floods which would delay them
b-She spoke to Captain Osama.
c-Because Ayman was in danger and he was in a bad need to the medicine.
42"This newspaper said that you saved hundreds of lives.
a-Who said this to whom?
b-Where were they?
c-What did the paper say about Ayman?
the answer
a-These words were said by Ayman's younger brother to Ayman.
b-They were in the hospital.
c-The paper said that Ayman Hassan was a brave young man because he could save thousands of lives.
43"Did the plants get through"
a-Who said this to whom?
b-Who brought the plants?
c-Was Ayman saved.
the answer
a-Nurse Mona to Nurse Hoda.
b-Wafaa Sultan.
c-Yes he was.
44"Keep very still Lamia, I want to take a photo"
a-Why did Ayman ask Lamia to keep very still?
b-When did he see the spider?
c-What did he do after that?
the answer
a-Because the spider was behind her shoulder and if she moved the spider would bite her.
b-When they were siiting in the terrace.
c-He blinded the spider with the flash light and hit the spider and put it in the box.
45"I feel like a new person with a new future"
a-Why did Ayman say so?
b-What did his father tell him?
c-What did his uncle tell him?
the answer
a-Because he became famous.
b-His father told him that he wouldn't worry about finding a good job.
c-He told him that the best employees would want him to work in their companies
46"Why didn't he die"?
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-About whom did they speak?
c-Why didn't he die?
the answer
a-The reporter to Dr. Salah.
c-Because his body produced antibodies when he was bitten by the males which was enough to fight the venom of the female.
47"...many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence, and bravery of this young man".
a-Who is speaking to whom?
b-Show that Ayman was brave and intelligent
c-Where were they?
the answer
a-The minister to the reporter
b-When he asked his sister to keep still to take a photo to save her from the spider. When he knocked the spider into the camera aluminum box.
c-On Television.

Complete the following:
1- The passages underground were like ……………..
الممرات تحت الأرض كانت مثل…………… .
the streets of a city.
2- The helicopter team were on their way to ………
طاقم الطائرة كانوا في طريقهم إلى....................
a transmitter in the desert which had a technical problem.
3- The small spiders in the car died of……………
ماتت العناكب الصغيرة بسبب ........................
the heat of the sun but the biggest spider was alive.
4- The pilot escaped death when .................
نجا الطيار من الموت عندما ..........................
the engineer asked him to go back to the helicopter to
radio the ploice, while the spiders were near his hands.
5- Many ancient towns and villages died out 2.000
years ago because …………….
كثير من المدن و القرى اختفت منذ 2000 عام لأن ....................
the climate in Egypt became drier, and towns and villages
disappeared under the desert sand.
6- The spider chose a secret place that was quiet and
dark because ……………..
اختارت العنكبوت مكان سري لأنه............
It needed a safe place, not just for itself but for its new
family. (to lay eggs)
7- If there weren‛t any spiders……….
لولا وجود العناكب.................
there would be more flies, mosquitoes and other insects.
8- Ayman‛s uncle said that stories about spiders ……
عم أيمن يعتقد أن العناكب ..................
Weren‛t good for business.
9- Ayman didn‛t have enough time to read Dr.
Shereen‛s second e-mail, so ………..
لم يكن لديه الوقت لكي يقرأ رسالة شرين لذلك.............
he printed it out and took it to read it later.
10- The men who were going underground wore ……
كان الرجال يرتدون ...........
Large black plastic suits with thick transparent شفاف window
over the face.
11-It could be many years before ………
قد يستغرق سنوات طويلة قبل....................
a safe antivenom can be produced in large quantities.
12- The Echinacea negra medicine was delayed because
نبات الاشن سيا نجرا تأخر بسبب ..…………
there were a strong storm and the helicopter couldn‛t get
to the cars in Sinai.
13- If the drivers tried to go more quickly, the cars…..
لو زاد السائقون من السرعة ..........
might fall into the valley below. أسفل الوادى
14- Wafaa was courageous and dutiful because ……….
كانت وفاء شجاعة و لديها إحساس بالمسئولية
She fought both lonliness and the storm to save Ayman‛s
15- Ayman was put on a ventilator because…………..
أيمن وضع على جهاز التنفس الصناعي
his breathing stopped.
16- Ayman used his camera to……..
أستخدم أيمن الكاميرا كي
blind the spider and then he knocked it into the aluminum
17-Many thousands of people might have died without
كان يمكن أن يموت آلاف الناس بدون .......
Ayman‛s efforts to find and kill the spider



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